Ads and paying customers

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Ads and paying customers

Post by lenny138 »

It would be fair to the paying customers to remove ads from showing while using the program as any other program does when a client purchases software. While it is understood that non-paying clients will get a limited version of TickStory Lite and your company relies on advertising income, for us that pay for the full version of the software, we would appreciate the removal of the ads in this and upcoming versions.

Thank you,

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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by tickstory »

Hi Lenny,

Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, the payment for v1.6 at the moment is purely for 'early access' to the standard Tickstory software including any relevant updates until (at least) 31st August. This allows us to keep the entry price low as possible while still giving paid users the value-add of being able to have the latest software. We have had to plan it this way because if ultimately there is minimal support at this price, we will obviously need to restructure what we offer.
We do completely agree with you, however, about giving paid users the option for removing banner ads and this is one of the options we are exploring.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by tickstory »

Hi Lenny,

We've had a further think about this and will see if we can find a good medium to address this issue.

Will update this thread.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by lenny138 »

In all honesty this really discourages to pay for the software. If I knew I could get it for free (v1.60).. which it already has been released for at least few days.. then I would not have paid for it. Maybe I would have considered a donation. But waiting few days or weeks is not an incentive to buy it.
Please make the paying customer feel they have gotten some value in addition to for getting the new version a few days early (no big deal I can wait a bit to get free). At least if the ads are removed the paying customer feels that he/she is getting some value. Otherwise -- what really is the point of buying it? I recommend (I know it will be not popular) that the purchased key will be needed to unlock the 99% modelling. If no key, no 99% modelling just data downloading and FXT conversion. This encourages clients to buy licenses and its good for both the client and you. The client gets value and you get paid. Simple as that.

Please think seriously about my recommendation. It's really not fair to the paying folks the way things are set up right now.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by tickstory »

Hi Lenny,

Thanks again for the input. I appreciate what you're saying and we are looking to further delineate free vs paid features in the next major version of the software. We plan to add numerous features that will be exclusively available to licensed users. Until this time, we do believe there is notable value in having the v1.6 ahead of time (along with priority answers such as this) and we have priced this accordingly - and we believe quite reasonably. Tickstory v1.6 is not accessible to the general community and won't be for some time. Although we tried to make these terms explicit upfront, we would be happy to process a refund for you if believe that this was not clear or if you don't see the value.

If it is the case that users are simply waiting for a free version, then this is not in the spirit of what we have been creating over the last few years. We offer this option for those who genuinely cannot contribute financially but hopefully can participate in other ways such as helping other users or assisting with a translation, etc. A thriving community ultimately helps all users. We understand that this is radical thinking and that not everyone may share this vision. If this is the case with a majority of users (as indicated by the uptake of v1.6 licenses and the gauge we are publicising), we will go back to some conventional commercial thinking.

In the more immediate term, we are looking into your suggestion about suppressing advertisements for v1.6 paid users and will update this thread accordingly.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by lenny138 »

No need for a refund. I want to contribute as much as possible to this project but on the other hand I don't want to feel like a sucker either. If you promise to deliver more value to paying customers vs non-paying and (perhaps) remove the ads for paying folks then I feel this is a good deal. I am looking forward your improvements in the upcoming versions and contributing as much as I can to make this a great product.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by tickstory »

Hi Lenny,

The feature to suppress banner ads has been added and will be active for all licensed users until at least August 31st. You can download the latest version by using the same link that was emailed to you upon registration.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by lenny138 »

I downloaded the new version and it works great without ads. It also loads faster and obviously it will be better with less CPU and less data transfer utilized in the background, plus less annoying!
One quick question. When you say 'until August 31st' do you mean the paying customers will have to pay again after August 31st? Once you pay the $23.95 is this for a permanent non-expiring license? Please clarify.


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Re: Ads and paying customers

Post by tickstory »

Hi Lenny,

Your payment of US$23.95 gives you early access to Tickstory along with any updates until August 31st. Other terms of the software license do not change. We unfortunately cannot guarantee updates indefinitely for the fee we are charging which is why this limitation is specified. If there is sufficient uptake of licenses, then this would mean we could provide on-going updates for a longer period. Again, this structure is designed to benefit all - if users participate, then you will continue to get updates for free just as before. If not, we will restructure our thinking and ensure that licensed users somehow benefit from their early adoption (aside from the obvious advantage of getting to use the latest software right now).


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