v1.6 Released!

General discussion about the Tickstory Lite software package.
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v1.6 Released!

Post by tickstory »

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Hi all,

The latest release of Tickstory v1.6 that supports up to MT4 Build 830+ (including 840) is now ready. With much consideration, we have opted to go down the path of requesting a fee for users who wish to have "early" access to this update. This payment has been designed to be nominal so all those who have found value with the software over the years can participate in supporting Tickstory.

Below are some answers to questions you may have:

Why are we requesting a fee for accessing Tickstory?

Development and support of Tickstory has been a costly undertaking and has required significant financial backing. Over the last two and a half years of developing and supporting Tickstory, we have endeavoured to offer the software for free while hoping we would be supported by our user community through donations and also from advertising revenue. Unfortunately this has not been the case. Since the first release in 2012, we have received exactly 10 donations from our users. Of those donations, 6 amounted to a sum total of around US$15. It is essentially our advertising revenue that allows us cover our server costs that provide you access to the support forums and the latest software downloads. As for the many thousands of hours we've invested developing and supporting Tickstory, this has been entirely unpaid and given to the community for free. For the benefit of you and the Tickstory community, we're asking for your backing so we are able to ramp up our development effort and also to demonstrate that our community is right behind us in the work we do.

What will this payment get me?

Your payment will allow you to have "early access" to version 1.6 of Tickstory which specifically supports the latest MT4 Build 830. Banner ads will also be suppressed until at least 31st of August 30th September 31st October 2015. Access to the software is given on a per-user basis and each user has permission to install it on a maximum of 2 machines that they own (each additional license serves an additional 2 machines). No other terms of the software license and support change (although we always prioritise those who show their support!)

Do note that there are no guarantees that the launcher will work on future versions of MT4. For those who have paid, we will endeavour to provide continued "early access" to any further updates until at least 31st August 30 September 2015 (subject to whether it is technically feasible).

What if I can't afford to pay?

If you have utilised Tickstory to back-test your EA, you have probably already reaped the significant monetary benefits from the software (not to mention time-saved!) Tickstory has undoubtedly saved many a Forex account from bankruptcy - it's surely worth the minimal payment we are asking. Just think - your broker charges you much more just to execute a few trades!

We really would like all those who can afford to to support us. This includes our non-English speaking users across the world - Russia, China, Europe, etc. who we have taken time to make the software accessible to you in your native language. Note also that the registration process will assist us to identify which countries/languages are part of our core user-base and future translated versions will be prioritised accordingly.

For those who genuinely cannot contribute, we suggest you revert your MT4 build back until the latest version of Tickstory is available to you.

Can I still use Tickstory if I haven't paid?

Yes you can still continue to use your current version of Tickstory v1.5, although you will need to revert back to an earlier version of MT4 if you wish to continue back-testing. Discussion on how to do this can be found here:


Will Tickstory remain free in the future?

That really depends on what sort of support we get from you. In our bid to keep a version of Tickstory free, we continue to encounter on-going costs to keep the software up-to-date and to add new features. We are exploring various ways in which users can support this on-going development. One way you can assist right now is to ensure you make any purchases through our affiliate links and also white-list our website from any ad-blocking software. We are also working on a licensed version of Tickstory which offers an enhanced set of features and will be a must-have tool for any serious trader. We hope that our users will give a strong show of support for us when it launches!

To avoid everyone hoping that the "other guy" will help out, we have created a scale giving some visibility of the level of support we are getting. If the meter shown makes it to a green level, it means that a good percentage of our users are getting behind us.

If you have any other suggestions that may help us, or if you have a company interested in advertising with us, please free to PM us to discuss further.
Support level
Support level
meter.jpg (4.54 KiB) Viewed 73261 times
When will Tickstory v1.6 be freely available?

At a later, yet to be determined date (that is, depending on whether we get a strong showing of support from our users), general access will be available to access the software. Our support of Tickstory continues to be free for all - although we will be giving priority to users who have supported us.

What other options are there to launch MT4 for back-testing?

We recommend using Birt's Tick Data Suite - it provides a number of useful features such as being able to test beyond 4GB of data. Birt also provides updates as necessary whenever MT4 breaks the launcher. You can use our affiliate link to order and/or find out more: http://cd710nh5qn5ax84ol4ncpnfp99.hop.c ... t/?tid=V16

How can I pay?

Click the following link to get your advanced copy of Tickstory v1.6 and specify the number of licenses you require:

http://sites.fastspring.com/tickstory/p ... w_contents

You will be issued with a license key and the link to the latest version of Tickstory v1.6 via email. To enable the latest features, select Help->License from the main menu and enter the key you were issued.

(Please note that sharing your registration details with other users will not only result in bad karma but could result in your software being deactivated. If you value the software, please value our service - every license helps us to help you).

Release Notes for v1.6

New features
•[artf279130] MT4 Launcher: Added support for latest Metatrader Builds 730+.

•[artf272539] Margin Currency is being exported as 'USD' instead of 'EUR' for 'EURUSD'.
•[artf254896] Added support for AUSIDXAUD.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to providing you with the next version of Tickstory!
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:53 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by ekke »


Good news.
How about adding a feature to allow incremental exporting of data.
This will be very beneficial. Exporting always takes quite some time
and even more so if you deal with several currency pairs.
Just a thought.

Thanks for all the hard work you put in
and if I have to pay in future I will not complain, promise.


Posts: 5017
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:27 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by tickstory »

Hi Ekke,

Thanks for your feedback & support! We've noted all the feedback that we've been getting and incremental updates is certainly high on the list. We plan to make this feature available in the next major update.

Kind regards.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:28 pm

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by Forexman77 »


Thanks for your update.

I bought a copy and i'll test it later and give you my feedback if there are any.
Posts: 5017
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:27 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by tickstory »

Thanks for your support, Forexman. We always welcome feedback.

Kind regards.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:08 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by daveM »

Actually, the developer, if he was interested in making a profit, could be charging a lot more and charging an annual fee for upgrades

The fee he is asking for is to defray some out of pocket expenses in order to maintain development.

So..... if we want to ensure that the product is available in 6 months. we should seriously think of a contribution.

Of course we can let the other guy pay and avoid paying ourselves..... if we are serious about being a professional then we will be serious about looking after our obligations.

This developer has made something that saves all of us a lot of time, we need to appreciate his efforts and provide a tiny bit of support.

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:26 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by testmenow »

Posts: 5017
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:27 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by tickstory »

Hi Testmenow,

v1.6 has just been tested on Build 840 and everything is working correctly.

Posts: 5017
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:27 am

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by tickstory »

Hi DaveM,

Thanks for the words of wisdom ;) We're currently at around <1% uptake (and thanks to all these users!) so hopefully more users will continue to come on-board! We'll update the meter above when things change notably. One way or the other, we are still powering on to get you the next shiny new version!

Kind regards.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:46 pm

Re: v1.6 Released!

Post by matinhas »


Great work.

Let me know some details:

- It will allow optimization on MT4?
- will be possible to download ticks from other servers, like FXOpen?

Best Regards,

Vitor Matinhas
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