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FXCM Tickdata

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:41 pm
by Fiverr
Did anyone have a chance to visit

Using the simple codes below, I was able to test the tick data of the EURUSD from FXCM. If someone can make a modification to the program, maybe we can extract the tick data of the EURUSD and other currency pairs.

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namespace QuantConnect 
    *   QuantConnect University: Full Basic Template:
    *   The underlying QCAlgorithm class is full of helper methods which enable you to use QuantConnect.
    *   We have explained some of these here, but the full algorithm can be found at:
    public class BasicTemplateAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
        //Initialize the data and resolution you require for your strategy:
        public override void Initialize()
            //Start and End Date range for the backtest:
            SetStartDate(2007, 4, 1);         
            //Cash allocation
            //Add as many securities as you like. All the data will be passed into the event handler:
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, "EURUSD", Resolution.Tick);

        //Data Event Handler: New data arrives here. "TradeBars" type is a dictionary of strings so you can access it by symbol.
        public void OnData(TradeBars data) 
            // "TradeBars" object holds many "TradeBar" objects: it is a dictionary indexed by the symbol:
            //  e.g.  data["MSFT"] data["GOOG"]
            if (!Portfolio.HoldStock) 
                int quantity = (int)Math.Floor(Portfolio.Cash / data["EURUSD"].Close);
                //Order function places trades: enter the string symbol and the quantity you want:
                Order("EURUSD",  quantity);
                //Debug sends messages to the user console: "Time" is the algorithm time keeper object 
                Debug("Purchased EURUSD on " + Time.ToShortDateString());
                //You can also use log to send longer messages to a file. You are capped to 10kb
                //Log("This is a longer message send to log.");