Export to file failing

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Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:39 pm

Export to file failing

Post by dbaechtel »

:cry: I tried to export 1 year of 15 min EURUSD data and I only got a file of many lines of repeated date/timestamp.
How to fix it?

Timestamp,Bid price,Ask price,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
20230913 19:03:37:391,1.24273,1.24231,EURUSD
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