Running EA without Tickstory calling MT4 and unmatched data

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Running EA without Tickstory calling MT4 and unmatched data

Post by twingo »

-i'm running MT4 in batch mode so that makes using Tickstory to drive MT4 problematic.
-Also, at this point i'm only using the generated HST files (not the FXTs, meaning i let MT4 generate their modelled version which is good enough for the system, timeframe i'm looking at)

-im getting 'unmatched data errors' on H4 and D1 timeframes (not the lower ones and not consistently)
-using a tickstory->mt4 export from today using same historical timeframe generates these errors
-but using tickstory -> mt4 2 weeks ago with a larger historical timeframe did not
-it took screenshots of my export settings and they are IDENTICAL (i only change the start/end dates, the dont do dup ticks and timezone to GMT+2)

the unmatched data errors are easily fixed using period converter from M1 but i can't believe the same logic running in tickstory export won't do the same thing - from these results apparently not unless i'm missing something ?

whether MT4 is run directly, via a batch file or from tickstory shouldn't make a difference in the slightest - what gives ?
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