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How can be sure of all available data is downloaded?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:35 pm
by szilardkurunczi
Dear Support!

If I export data of an instrument to an excel file and during the process I get errors about downloading some ticks, at the end how can I be totally sure I exported all available data? If I repeat the process with the same data range and settings without deleting the previously downloaded data and at this second time I don't get an error message, does it mean Tickstory checked all data range again and downloaded the missing part successfully?

Thank you!

Sincerely Yours,
Szilard Kurunczi

Re: How can be sure of all available data is downloaded?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:38 am
by tickstory
Hi Szilard,

Tickstory automatically re-tries to download data whenever it encounters an error. If it repeatedly fails, then the export process will stop.
The fact that you encountered no errors on the second download attempt means that all data was successfully downloaded.
You can read more details about the download/recovery process here:
